Wouldn’t this crochet Pineapple Luminary is so pretty. The crochet Mason Jar Cover is so lacy. When you add a flameless tea light candle it lights up the night. Imagine sitting on the porch at night while the children are in the yard catching fireflies? What a beautiful glow this would add to a Summer evening. I love the wrapped DC stitch that makes this cover so pretty & lacey. Drop a battery operated tealight candle into the bottom, and it will throw beautiful shadows all around. It’s the second in a series of three crochet patterns for you to enjoy this summer and the free crochet pattern is below.
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I think these would be beautiful at a summer party.
Wouldn’t these mason jar pineapples look pretty would look on the table with the matching “Welcome Home Pineapple Basket”? You could make several of these pineapple covers and hang them around the porch. If you were sitting with me on my porch on my side of the mountain, we could rest in the porch swing and listen to the peepers. We might hear an occasional whippoorwill or owl hooting up in the holler behind the house. That would be such a blessing!
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Did you know that since 1681, the pineapple has been recognized as a Christian symbol?
The reason is that each pineapple plant gives its own life to produce a single fruit. This is my favorite bit of history about the pineapple. So grab your hook, some yarn, I recommend cotton, and make a “Welcome Home Tealight Jar Cover” and “Let Your Light Shine”
You can download an “ad free” pdf here.
You can grab the ebook for the entire “Welcome Home Pineapple Collection” right here.
Tea Light Jar Cover Crochet Pattern
Peaches ’n Cream 100% Cotton yarn MC = Approx. 100-125 yds; CC = Approx. 40 yds. and 1 pint jar. NOTE: I recommend using Cotton Yarn if you will be using a candle, as acrylic yarns can and will melt.
Hook: H/8-5.00mm
Pattern Notes:
1: Beginning CH 1 or Beginning CH 2 of each round, does not count as a stitch unless otherwise stated
Special Stitch
Wrapped DC = DC in CH 3 SP (2x), DC around 2 DC just made. Wrapped DC made
Stitch Guide
join w/ = join with
MC = Main Color
CC = Contrasting Color
SLP ST = Slip Stitch
CH = Chain
SC = Single Crochet
HDC = Half Double Crochet
DC = Double Crochet
H BP HDC = High Back Post Half Double Crochet
skp = skip
SP = Space
nxt = Next
* * = Repeat sequence between * * the number of times stated.
[ ] = Repeat between the brackets the number of times stated.
x = Times; example Repeat 2 x or 2 times; 3 x or 3 times and so on.
in = example “in nxt st” means you will be inserting the hook under the top two loops of the next stitch to complete stitch or sequence of stitches stated.
Pineapple Jar cover
CH 3 join in ring
Round 1: CH 1; 10 HDC in ring; join w/SLP ST in 1st HDC (10 HDC)
Round 2: CH 1; 2 HDC in joining ST and in each ST around; join w/SLP ST in 1st HDC (20 HDC)
Round 3: CH 1; HDC in joining ST; 2 HDC in nxt ST; [HDC in nxt ST, 2 HDC in nxt ST;] 9 x more; join w/SLP ST in 1st HDC (30 HDC)
Round 4: CH 1; H BP HDC in joining ST, and in each st around; join w/SLP ST in 1st HDC
(30 HDC) Please refer to photo tutorial
HBP HDC PHOTO TUTORIAL: Pic 1: Two pins show the opening directly below the top two loops. This is where you will insert your hook from back to front. You are “HIGH” about the main post of the stitch. A normal BP HDC is worked under the top 3 loops of the HDC, around the main post. The High BP HDC will be “above” the main post, up high, directly under the top two loops.
Pic 2: Shows the hook being inserted from the back, high above the main post. Arrow points to where you insert hook down, under two loops.
There is a wrapped DC Chart for you to follow below. Follow it through round 9, then continue with written pattern instructions.
Round 5: (You will be looking at the outside of the jar cover) CH 1, SC in joining ST; [CH 3, skp 2 st’s, SC in nxt;] 9x; CH 3, skp remaining st’s; join w/SLP ST in beg. SC. (10 sc, 10 CH 3 sp’s)
Round 6: SLP ST into CH 3 sp, CH 2 (Counts as DC), DC in same CH 3 sp, DC around 2 DC just made; (first Wrapped DC); [Wrapped DC in nxt CH 3 sp;] 9 x; SLP ST in 2nd CH of beg. CH 2; (10 Wrapped DC)
Round 7: CH 1, SC in joining ST; [CH 3, skp 2 st’s, SC in nxt;] 9x; CH 3; join w/SLP ST in beg. SC. (10 sc, 10 CH 3 sp’s)
Round 8 – 12: Repeat Rounds 6 & 7 Consecutively. (Round 12 will be a Wrapped DC) Use CC to join at the end of Round 12. End Off MC
Round 13: CH 1, SC in joining st and in each st around; join w/SLP ST in beg. SC. (30 SC)
Continue in the written pattern through Round 13 or until the height reaches the base of the neck to the jar or container you are using.
Pineapple Top or Crown
Round 1: CH 1 SC in joining st, CH 4, skp 2 st’s, SC in nxt ST; [CH 4, skp 2 st, SC in nxt ST;] 8x; CH 4; join w/SLP ST in beginning SC. (10 CH 4 spaces; 10 SC)
Round 2: SLP ST in 1st CH of CH 4 space; CH3, this counts as 1st DC; [DC in CH 4 space] 2x, CH 3, [DC in same CH 4 space] 3x; SC in nxt CH 4 sp; [Shell, SC in nxt CH 4 sp] 4x; join w/SLP ST to 3rd Ch of beginning CH 3; (5 shells w/5 SC)
Round 3: (Note: all SC stitches of the previous round will be skipped during this next sequence) CH1; SC in joining ST; [SC in nxt st] 2x; SC in CH 3 sp, CH2, SC in same CH 3 sp; [SC in nxt st] 3x; *Skip SC; [SC in nxt st] 3x; SC in CH 3 sp, CH2, SC in same CH 3 sp; [SC in nxt st] 3x; * 4x; join w/SLP ST in beginning SC; end off, secure and weave in all ends.
I hope you enjoy and If you make this Tealight Jar Cover and the other items in this set, maybe you could drop by my facebook group and share a picture or two? Here’s the Link!
- I am hosting a Mini Blog Hop. It’s called the Fruity Summer Stitch Event! Today August 17, 2024, you can download for free, the ad free pdf of this fun and Crochet Pineapple Luminary Cover. Follow the steps below to get your ad free pdf.
- Click the Button Below to get your ad free pdf.
- Then be sure to come back here to click that second button so you don’t miss the Lemon Pot Scrubby.
For those of you wanting the download on Ravlery. Use the Code: Pineapple1. Here is my Ravelry Link - Click this second button to go back to the round up page.
- It will have the links to take you to the Lemon Pot Scrubber.
Copyright Statement: All patterns and content are protected by copyright Krissys Over The Mountain Crochet©2018. Do not sell, alter or redistribute any of my patterns or blog content in any way or form. You have my permission to sell your finished product but no mass production.
I would love it if you would join me on my social channels.
- Facebook Biz Page
- Facebook Crafting Group
- plus I have a YouTube channel…please subscribe.It was so good to have you on my side of the mountain. I hope you will come to my side of the mountain again soon. There is so much to share with you!
God Bless,
[…] love this “Welcome Home Pineapple Collection” The “Welcome Home Jar Cover” and the “Welcome Home Soap Bag” are coming […]