St. Patrick’s Day has come and gone. I hope you had an enjoyable time? Bookmark this page, so that you can find this set of patterns when St. Patricks Day rolls around again. You will find the patterns that I shared on my blog during St. Patrick’s Day. You will find the links above the photo of each pattern.
Here is the oversized sweater. It will be free through the end of March 2021. I will then remove all but one size, and when the tech editing is finished I will release this as a premium pattern.
The Shamrock Coffee Cozy has been free on my blog since last year!
You will find one size of the St. Patrick’s Day Beanie for free. This is a premium crochet pattern. Links to purchase the complete pattern are in the blog post.
The St. Patrick’s Day Messy Bun Hat also has one size for free on the blog. Again it’s a premium pattern and links to the complete ad free pdf are in the post.
The crochet pattern for the St. Patrick’s Day Tutu Dress can be found on the blog in a newborn size. This is a great pattern that sells all year long. Links to purchase the complete ad free pattern, with additional sizes are found in the blog post.
This Simple Beanie That Men Love was part of the St. Patrick’s Day Celebration. The men in my life love this beanie, but only Caron Simply Soft, or the store brand’s knock off will do. The fit just isn’t right if you use any other. That camo yarn is a Michael’s brand that is a knock off of Caron Simply Soft. Each size presents a different camo pattern. The camo pictured was the children’s size. All sizes will be free on the blog thru the end of March 2021.