Every August I start thinking about Pumpkins! I do love to make pumpkins, they make me so happy. Last year I made pumpkins that had texture! Pick up the ad free pdf for these big crochet pumpkins on etsy and ravelry!
These pumpkins are “BIG” not “little big” but “Big, BIG”. They take a lot of yarn but WOW! They are so easy and pretty!
REALLY BIG (really big 34” around, 5.5” high)
BIG BIG (still big 30” around x 4.5” high)
BIG (plain old big 26” around x 3” high)
PUMPKIN DROP #3 Thursday, September 15th only, and ends at midnight September 15, 2022
You can download the ad free pdf at RAVELRY thru Midnight Sept. 15th 2022.
Use the code: PUMPKIN DROP3 If you miss out on the freebie, you can Purchase the ad free pdf on etsy and ravelry!
Decorating and embellishing these pumpkins is fun and boy do they make a statement. I love the pumpkin towers!
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Textured Pumpkins
Any Worsted weight yarn in colors desired Red Heart super saver or Hobby Lobby’s “I Love This Yarn”. Color A (Pumpkin) Small – 175 yds; Med.- 200 yds; Large – 225 yds Color B (Stem) 1 yd
Notions List: Yarn Needle, Polyester Fiber Fill or Stuffing Material of Your Choice.
If making pumpkin tower: 4 lace pieces 22” long, Pull Tie Bow (tutorial is right here on my blog) glue sticks, hot glue gun,
straight pins or T pins.
Cute embellishments: These Textured pumpkins can be plain or embellished. You can use these pumpkins to make a Pumpkin Tower.
Hook Sizes:
H–8/5 mm = Pumpkin body
I-9/5.5= Stem
Stitch Key
SC = single crochet
CH = chain
SLP ST = slip stitch
SP = space
nxt = next
beg. = beginning
st = stitch
SC DEC = crochet 2 SC together; in nxt st, insert hook, pull up loop, in nxt st, insert hook, pull up loop, 3
loops on hook, yarn over, pull through all loops on hook
repeat between * * = repeat the sequence that is between the * * as many times as stated
x = times, will follow number, example repeat sequence 8 x or 8 times
“H” Hook/ Use Color A
Round 1: CH 2, SC 7x in 2nd CH from hook, join with SLP ST to beg. SC. (You will bypass Beg. CH 1, and it will recede to the back of work, making the seam less noticeable)
Round 2: CH 1, DC & SC in joining st, *DC & SC in nxt st, and in each st around; join with SLP ST to beg. DC (14 st’s)
Round 3: CH 1, SC in joining st, 2 SC in nxt st; *SC in nxt st, 2 SC in nxt st* Repeat between * * 5 more x ; join w/SLP ST in top of first SC made (21 SC)
Round 4: CH 1, DC in joining st, SC in nxt st, DC & SC in nxt st; *DC in nxt st, SC in nxt st, DC & SC in nxt st* Repeat between * * 5 more x; join w/SLP ST in top of first DC made (28 st’s)
Round 5: CH 1, SC in joining st, SC in nxt st (2x), 2 SC in nxt st; *SC in nxt st (3x), 2 SC in nxt st* Repeat between * * 5 more x; join w/SLP ST in top of first SC made (35 SC)
Round 6: CH 1, DC in joining st, SC in nxt st , DC in nxt st, SC in nxt st, DC & SC in nxt st; *[DC in nxt st, SC in nxt st] 2x, DC & SC in nxt st* Repeat between * * 5 more x; join w/SLP ST in top of first DC made
(42 st’s)
Round 7: CH 1, SC in joining st, SC in nxt st (4x), 2 SC in nxt st; *SC in nxt st (5x), 2 SC in nxt st* Repeat between * * 5 more x; join w/SLP ST in top of first SC made (49 SC)
Round 8: CH 1, DC in joining st, SC in nxt st , *DC in nxt st, SC in nxt st,* Repeat between * * 1 more x; DC & SC in nxt st; *[DC in nxt st, SC in nxt st] 3x, DC & SC in nxt st* Repeat between * * 5 more x; join
w/SLP ST in top of first DC made (56 st’s)
Round 9: CH 1, SC in joining st, SC in nxt st (6x), 2 SC in nxt st; *SC in nxt st (7x), 2 SC in nxt st* Repeat between * * 5 more x; join w/SLP ST in top of first SC made (63 SC)
Round 10: CH 1, DC in joining st, SC in nxt st , *DC in nxt st, SC in nxt st,* Repeat between * * 2 more x; DC & SC in nxt st; *[DC in nxt st, SC in nxt st] 4x, DC & SC in nxt st* Repeat between * * 5 more x; join
w/SLP ST in top of first DC made (70 st’s)
Round 11: CH 1, SC in joining st, SC in nxt st (8x), 2 SC in nxt st; *SC in nxt st (9x), 2 SC in nxt st* Repeat between * * 5 more x; join w/SLP ST in top of first SC made (77 SC)
Round 12: CH 1, DC in joining st, SC in nxt st , *DC in nxt st, SC in nxt st,* Repeat between * * 3 more x; DC & SC in nxt st; *[DC in nxt st, SC in nxt st] 5x, DC & SC in nxt st* Repeat between * * 5 more x; join
w/SLP ST in top of first DC made (84 st’s) STOP HERE IF MAKING SMALL PUMPKIN AND SKIP TO ROUND a & b below. (13-26: small or mustard pumpkin)
Round 13: CH 1, SC in joining st, SC in nxt st (10x), 2 SC in nxt st; *SC in nxt st (11x), 2 SC in nxt st* Repeat between * * 5 more x; join w/SLP ST in top of first SC made (91 SC)
Round 14: CH 1, DC in joining st, SC in nxt st , *DC in nxt st, SC in nxt st,* Repeat between * * 4 more x; DC & SC in nxt st; *[DC in nxt st, SC in nxt st] 6x, DC & SC in nxt st* Repeat between * * 5 more x; join
w/SLP ST in top of first DC made (98 st’s)
Repeat Round a & b consecutively. When you reach the ROUND NUMBER you need for the size you want drop down and follow the decrease rounds as stated
Round a: CH 1, SC in joining st, and in each st around; join w/SLP ST in top of first SC made (Small – 84 SC) (medium & large – 98 SC)
Round b: CH 1, DC in joining st, SC in nxt st; *DC in nxt st, SC in nxt st;* Repeat between * * all the way around; join w/SLP ST in top of first DC made (Small – 84 st’s) (medium & large – 98 st’s)
Round 13-26: Small or Mustard Pumpkin; 15-28: Medium or Cream Pumpkin 15-34: Large or Brown pumpkin
Note: If you would like a taller pumpkin, add more rows here….just crochet until you are content.
Decrease rounds will follow, You may start stuffing your pumpkin at this point, but there will be an opening at the end to finish stuffing your pumpkin. You will close the hole after stuffing is complete.
SMALL PUMPKIN DECREASE ROUNDS Instruction for Med. and Large Decrease’s are found at the end of the Small Pumpkin Decrease Rounds.
Round 27: CH 1, SC in joining st, SC in nxt st (9x), SC DEC; *SC in nxt st (10x), SC DEC* Repeat between * * 5 more x; join w/SLP ST in top of first SC made (77 SC)
Round 28: CH 1, DC in joining st, *SC in nxt st, DC in nxt st.* Repeat between 3x more; SC DEC; *DC in nxt st, (SC in nxt st, DC in nxt st) 4x, SC DEC;* Repeat between * * 5 more x; join w/SLP ST in top of first SC made (70 st’s)
Round 29: CH 1, SC in joining st, SC in nxt st (7x), SC DEC; *SC in nxt st (8x), SC DEC* Repeat between * * 5 more x; join w/SLP ST in top of first SC made (63 SC)
Round 30: CH 1, DC in joining st, *SC in nxt st, DC in nxt st.* Repeat between 2x more; SC DEC; *DC in nxt st, (SC in nxt st, DC in nxt st) 3x, SC DEC;* Repeat between * * 5 more x; join w/SLP ST in top of first SC made (56 st’s)
Round 31: CH 1, SC in joining st, SC in nxt st (5x), SC DEC; *SC in nxt st (6x), SC DEC* Repeat between * * 5 more x; join w/SLP ST in top of first SC made (49 SC)
Round 32: CH 1, DC in joining st, *SC in nxt st, DC in nxt st.* Repeat between 1 more x; SC DEC; *DC in nxt st, (SC in nxt st, DC in nxt st) 2x, SC DEC;* Repeat between * * 5 more x; join w/SLP ST in top of first SC made (42 st’s)
Round 33: CH 1, SC in joining st, SC in nxt st (3x), SC DEC; *SC in nxt st (4x), SC DEC* Repeat between * * 5 more x; join w/SLP ST in top of first SC made (35 SC)
Round 34: CH 1, DC in joining st, SC in nxt st, DC in nxt st, SC DEC; *DC in nxt st, SC in nxt st, DC in nxt st, SC DEC* Repeat between * * 5 more x; join w/SLP ST in top of first SC made (28 st’s)
Round 35: CH 1, SC in joining st, SC in nxt st; SC DEC; *SC in nxt st (2x), SC DEC* Repeat between * * 5 more x; join w/SLP ST in top of first SC made (21 SC)
Round 36: CH 1, SC in joining st, SC DEC; *SC in nxt st, SC DEC* 5 more x; join w/SLP ST in top of first SC made (14 SC) Stop here and stuff your pumpkin
Round 37: CH 1, SC DEC in joining st; *SC DEC* 5 more x; join w/SLP ST in top of first SC made, end off by pulling yarn through last st made, leaving a 3 ½ – 4 ft. tail for continued decreases, and sewing
through the center and around the pumpkin. Picture tutorial will be at the end of the pattern (7 SC)
END OF SMALL PUMPKIN Decrease Rounds; Pumpkin shaping tutorial is found at the end of the A LOVELY BIG PUMPKIN blog post
Round 29, 35: CH 1, SC in joining st, SC in nxt st (11x), SC DEC; *SC in nxt st (12x), SC DEC* Repeat between * * 5 more x; join w/slp st in top of first SC made (91 SC)
Round 30, 36: CH 1, DC in joining st, *SC in nxt st, DC in nxt st.*Repeat between 4x more; SC DEC; *DC in nxt st, (SC in nxt st, DC in nxt st) 5x, SC DEC;* Repeat between * * 5 more x; join w/SLP ST in top of first SC made (84 st’s)
Round 31, 37: CH 1, SC in joining st, SC in nxt st (9x), SC DEC; *SC in nxt st (10x), SC DEC* Repeat between * * 5 more x; join w/SLP ST in top of first SC made (77 SC)
Round 32, 38: CH 1, DC in joining st, *SC in nxt st, DC in nxt st.* Repeat between 3x more; SC DEC; *DC in nxt st, (SC in nxt st, DC in nxt st) 4x, SC DEC;* Repeat between * * 5 more x; join w/SLP ST in top of first SC made (70 st’s)
Round 33, 39: CH 1, SC in joining st, SC in nxt st (7x), SC DEC; *SC in nxt st (8x), SC DEC* Repeat between * * 5 more x; join w/SLP ST in top of first SC made (63 SC)
Round 34, 40: CH 1, DC in joining st, *SC in nxt st, DC in nxt st.* Repeat between 2x more; SC DEC; *DC in nxt st, (SC in nxt st, DC in nxt st) 3x, SC DEC* Repeat between * * 5 more x; join w/SLP ST in top of first SC made (56 st’s)
Round 35, 41: CH 1, SC in joining st, SC in nxt st (5x), SC DEC; *SC in nxt st (6x), SC DEC* Repeat between * * 5 more x; join w/SLP ST in top of first SC made (49 SC)
Round 36, 42: CH 1, DC in joining st, *SC in nxt st, DC in nxt st.* Repeat between 1 more x; SC DEC; *DC in nxt st, (SC in nxt st, DC in nxt) 2x, SC DEC* Repeat between * * 5 more x; join w/SLP ST in top of first SC made (42 st’s)
Round 37, 43: CH 1, SC in joining st, SC in nxt st (3x), SC DEC; *SC in nxt st (4x), SC DEC* Repeat between * * 5 more x; join w/SLP ST in top of first SC made (35 SC)
Round 38, 44: CH 1, DC in joining st, SC in nxt st, DC in nxt st, SC DEC; *DC in nxt st, SC in nxt st, DC in nxt st, SC DEC* Repeat between * * 5 more x; join w/SLP ST in top of first SC made (28 st’s)
Round 39, 45: CH 1, SC in joining st, SC in nxt st; SC DEC; *SC in nxt st (2x), SC DEC* Repeat between * * 5 more x; join w/SLP ST in top of first SC made (21 SC)
Round 40, 46: CH 1, SC in joining st, SC DEC; *SC in nxt st, SC DEC* 5 more x; join w/SLP ST in top of first SC made (14 SC) Stop here and stuff your pumpkin
Round 41, 47: CH 1, SC DEC in joining st; *SC DEC* 5 more x; join w/SLP ST in top of first SC made, end off by pulling yarn through last st made, leaving a 3 ½ – 4 ft. tail for sewing through the center and around the pumpkin. (7 SC)
Pumpkin shaping tutorial is found at the end of the A LOVELY BIG PUMPKIN blog post
Stem “I” Hook USE Color B
Round 1: CH 2, SC (7x) in 2nd CH from hook, join with slp st to beg. SC
Round 2: CH 1, SC in joining st; 2 SC in nxt st; *SC in nxt st; 2 SC in nxt st;* Repeat between * * 1 more x; SC in last st: join w/SLP ST to beg. SC (10 SC)
Round 3 & 4: CH 1, SC in joining st and in each st around, join w/SLP to beg. SC (10 SC)
Add another row here if you would like a taller stem. Next take the beginning tail and the ending tail, and tie them together, pulling the beginning tail just enough to flatten out and shape the top of your stem. Then stuff the yarn ends back up inside, and glue the stem on the pumpkin.
You can stuff the stem with polyfil, and sew it on if you would like. I glued a stem to a pumpkin and when I didn’t like the color, I thought could be pulled off. Nope! It would not come off without tearing
up the pumpkin. Hot glue and yarn make a tight bond.
Pumpkin shaping tutorial is found at the end of the A LOVELY BIG PUMPKIN blog post
Pin this photo to your favorite crochet boards and you will never lose this free crochet pattern.
I would love to see the Pumpkins you make using these free crochet patterns. Please come on over and join my Crochet Group on Facebook. Ask to join and drop a picture or two of your Pumpkins or Pumpkin Stack.
It’s so good to have you on my side of the mountain. I would love it if you would follow me on my socials below. Please subscribe and follow me.
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Take Care and God Bless,
This pattern is protected by copyright© Krissys Over The Mountain Crochet 2020. Do not sell, alter or redistribute this pattern in any way or form. You have my permission to sell your finished product, but you are responsible for the finished product. No Mass Production.
[…] large pumpkins don’t have to be fabric. I crocheted 3 textured pumpkins that were huge. They were inneutral colors. I stacked them together and added lace and ribbon to […]