Making this mesh poncho was easy and fun. I love the color’s in Lion Brand’s Mandala yarn, in colorway Robin Egg. I had to cut the yarn and piece it in place, but the effect is so springy and beautiful.
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You will find the pattern for the 1x-3x size if you keep scrolling. If you like your patterns in a pdf you will find it and all sizes in my Ravelry Store for less than you would pay for a cup of coffee. Make sure to give it a heart and add to your Ravelry que as well.
If you are familiar with the multi stitch Over Brook Poncho then you will recognize the neckline and edging. After I made a “Mesh” Over Brook Poncho so many asked for the pattern. Since I switched from a 4 weight to a 3 weight yarn. Necessary changes had to be made to the mesh portion, but the pattern explains all of that for you.
Level of difficulty: EASY Any 3 weight yarn, I chose Lion Brand’s Mandala yarn, approx. 1500 – 1700 yds
Hook: I-9/5.5mm
Gauge: 4” across = 5 CH 4 sp’s; 4” Vertical = 6 rounds CH 4 sp’s
Special Stitches:
5 DC Shell: 5 DC in st indicated in pattern
Beg. DC V: SLP ST into CH 1 space of prev. V; CH 4 (ch4 Counts as DC and CH 1); DC in same CH 1 sp.
DC V: [DC, CH 1, DC] in CH 1 space of prev. V
Beg. HDC V: SLP ST into CH 1 space of prev. V; CH 3 (ch3 Counts as HDC and CH 1); HDC in same CH 1 sp.
HDC V: [HDC, CH 1, HDC] in CH 1 space of prev. V
Stitch Key
SC = single crochet
DC = Double Crochet
HDC = Half Double Crochet
CH = chain
SLP ST = slip stitch
in sp. = execute st. by going under the CH that is creating the sp. Do not execute st. directly into a CH
SP = space
nxt = next
beg. = beginning
st = stitch
repeat between * * = repeat the sequence that is between the * * as many times as stated
x = times, will follow number, example repeat sequence 8 x or 8 times
ATTENTION! ATTENTION! ATTENTION! There will be a CH 3 and NOT a CH 4 at the end of the Right Side before you execute the HDC V. The same goes for the Left Side, there will be a CH 3 right before joining to the Beg. HDC V. This helps to keep the twirl to a minimum and minimizes the gap that appears if executing a CH 4.
1. Annotations have been added to the pattern that indicate the Right and Left side of the Poncho within each round. I found this to be an easy way to “keep my place”. Right Side or RS; Left Side or LS
2. This pattern includes charts that are not inclusive of every round. The charts are self-explanatory and are there as a guide only.
3. I have given some rounds a title. If I had to put my work on hold, this helped me find my place in the pattern when I was able to work on it again.
4. Pay attention to the V stitch in each round. Some rounds will have you execute a DC V, and others will have you execute a HDC V. (This does not apply to the TRBL V st.)
5. When executing the Mesh portion of the poncho, it is important to CH 3 right before the join on each side.
6. ATTENTION! ATTENTION! ATTENTION! There will be a CH 3 and NOT a CH 4 at the end of the Right Side before you execute the HDC V. The same goes for the Left Side, there will be a CH 3 right before joining to the Beg. HDC V. This helps to keep the twirl to a minimum and minimizes the gap that appears when executing a CH 4.
7. IMPORTANT! There is a bit of a twirl in the “V” area, but the longer the poncho becomes, it will ease out. Blocking also helps to eliminate what little bit of twirl that is left when the poncho is finished.
8. This pattern is worked in one direction. There will not be any turns in this project.
Designer Note: I have made this mesh poncho in a 4 weight yarn, but I recommend a 3 weight for the airy light effect needed for this mesh poncho. The time I made the poncho in a 4 weight it was a little heavy, but nice all the same. If you do decide to make this in a 4 weight you will only need to execute ch 3’s instead of ch 4’s during the mesh portion of the poncho.
Using MC: Loosely Ch 128, put marker at 65. Be very careful not to twist and join in circle.
Round 1:Right Side: CH 4 (Counts as DC & CH 1 sp); DC in joining st (DC Peak “V” made); DC in nxt st across (63x); DC, CH 1, DC in nxt or marked st; (DC Peak “V” made)
Left Side: DC in nxt st (63x); join w/SLP ST in 3rd ch (126 DC, 2 DC V’s)
Round 2: Right Side: Beg. DC V; CH 3; Skip 2 st, SC in nxt; * Skp 2 st; 5 DC Shell in nxt; Skp 2 st,
SC in nxt; CH 3, Skp 2 st, SC in nxt st;* repeat 5 more x; Skp 2 st; 5 DC Shell in nxt; Skp 2 st, SC in nxt, CH 3; DC V;
Left Side: CH 3; Skip 2 st, SC in nxt; * Skp 2 st; 5 DC Shell in nxt; Skp 2 st, SC in nxt; CH 3, Skp 2 st,
SC in nxt st;* repeat 5 more x; Skp 2 st; 5 DC Shell in nxt; Skp 2 st, SC in nxt, CH 3 Join w/ SLP ST in 3rd ch (14 – DC Shells; 16 CH 3 sp.; 2 DC V’s)
Shell with ears
Round 3: Right Side: Beg. DC V; CH 3, SC in ch 3 sp.; *Skp sc; DC in nxt dc (2x); CH 3, SC in nxt st CH 3, DC in nxt dc (2x); Skp sc, SC in ch 3 Space; * repeat 6 more x; CH 3; DC V;
Left Side: CH 3, SC in ch 3 sp.; *Skp sc; DC in nxt dc (2x); CH 3, SC in nxt st CH 3, DC in nxt dc (2x); Skp sc, SC in ch 3 Space; * repeat 6 more x; CH 3; Join w/ Slp ST to 3rd ch
(14 Shells w/ears; 58 SC; 32 CH 3 sp.; 2 DC V’s)
Round 4: RS: Beg. DC V; CH 1; 5 DC Shell in 1st sc; *SC in ch 3 sp.; CH 3, SC in nxt ch 3 space;
5 DC Shell in nxt sc;* repeat 6 more x; CH 1; DC V;
LS: CH 1; 5 DC Shell in 1st sc; *SC in ch 3 sp.; CH 3, SC in nxt ch 3 space; 5 DC Shell in nxt sc;* repeat 6 more x; CH 1; Join w/SLP ST to 3rd ch (16 – 5 DC shells; 28 SC; 14 CH 3 sp; 4 CH 1 sp.; 2 DC V’s)
Round 5: RS: Beg. HDC V; CH 4, SC in 1st dc of shell; CH 4, SC in 3rd dc; CH 4, SC in 5th dc;
*CH 4, SC in ch 3 sp.; CH 4, SC in 1st dc; CH 4, SC in 3rd dc; CH 4, SC in 5th dc;* repeat 6 more x; CH 3; HDC V;
LS; CH 4, SC in 1st dc of shell; CH 4, SC in 3rd dc; CH 4, SC in 5th dc; *CH 4, SC in ch 3 sp.; CH 4, SC in 1st dc; CH 4, SC in 3rd dc; CH 4, SC in 5th dc;* repeat 6 more x; CH 3; join w/SLP ST in 2nd ch
(2 CH 3 sp; 62 CH 4 sp; 62 SC; 2 HDC V)
Round 6: RS: Beg. HDC V; *CH 4, SC in nxt ch 4 sp.;* repeat 31 more x, with last sc landing in last ch 3 sp of prev. round; CH 3 (See no. 6 in NOTES); HDC V;
LS; *CH 4, SC in nxt ch 4 sp.;* repeat 31 more x, with last sc landing in last ch 3 sp of prev. round; CH 3, join w/SLP ST in 2nd ch (2 CH 3 sp; 64 CH 4 sp; 64 SC; 2 HDC V )
Rounds 7-44: Repeat Round 6 Following rounds will show amount of repeats and stitch counts only.
Round 7: repeat 32 more x; (2 CH 3 sp; 66 CH 4 sp.; 66 SC; 2 HDC V)
Round 8: repeat 33 more x; (2 CH 3 sp; 68 CH 4 sp.; 68 SC; 2 HDC V)
Round 9: repeat 34 more x; (2 CH 3 sp; 70 CH 4 sp.; 70 SC; 2 HDC V)
Round 10: repeat 35 more x; (2 CH 3 sp; 72 CH 4 sp.; 72 SC; 2 HDC V)
Round 11: repeat 36 more x; (2 CH 3 sp; 74 CH 4 sp.; 74 SC; 2 HDC V)
Round 12: repeat 37 more x; (2 CH 3 sp; 76 CH 4 sp.; 76 SC; 2 HDC V)
Round 13: repeat 38 more x; (2 CH 3 sp; 78 CH 4 sp.; 78 SC; 2 HDC V)
Round 14: repeat 39 more x; (2 CH 3 sp; 80 CH 4 sp.; 80 SC; 2 HDC V)
Round 15: repeat 40 more x; (2 CH 3 sp; 82 CH 4 sp.; 82 SC; 2 HDC V)
Round 16: repeat 41 more x; (2 CH 3 sp; 84 CH 4 sp.; 84 SC; 2 HDC V)
Round 17: repeat 42 more x; (2 CH 3 sp; 86 CH 4 sp.; 86 SC; 2 HDC V)
(NOTE) 7. IMPORTANT! There is a bit of a twirl in the “V” area, but the longer the poncho becomes, it will ease out. Blocking also helps to eliminate that little bit of twirl that is left when the poncho is finished.
Round 18: repeat 43 more x; (2 CH 3 sp; 88 CH 4 sp.; 88 SC; 2 HDC V)
Round 19: repeat 44 more x; (2 CH 3 sp; 90 CH 4 sp.; 90 SC; 2 HDC V)
Round 20: repeat 45 more x; (2 CH 3 sp; 92 CH 4 sp.; 92 SC; 2 HDC V)
Round 21: repeat 46 more x; (2 CH 3 sp; 94 CH 4 sp.; 94 SC; 2 HDC V)
Round 22: repeat 47 more x; (2 CH 3 sp; 96 CH 4 sp.; 96 SC; 2 HDC V)
Round 23: repeat 48 more x; (2 CH 3 sp; 98 CH 4 sp.; 98 SC; 2 HDC V)
Round 24: repeat 49 more x; (2 CH 3 sp; 100 CH 4 sp.; 100 SC; 2 HDC V)
Round 25: repeat 50 more x; (2 CH 3 sp; 102 CH 4 sp.; 102 SC; 2 HDC V)
Round 26: repeat 51 more x; (2 CH 3 sp; 104 CH 4 sp.; 104 SC; 2 HDC V)
Round 27: repeat 52 more x; (2 CH 3 sp; 106 CH 4 sp.; 106 SC; 2 HDC V)
Round 28: repeat 53 more x; (2 CH 3 sp; 108 CH 4 sp.; 108 SC; 2 HDC V)
Round 29: repeat 54 more x; (2 CH 3 sp; 110 CH 4 sp.; 110 SC; 2 HDC V)
Round 30: repeat 55 more x; (2 CH 3 sp; 112 CH 4 sp.; 112 SC; 2 HDC V)
Round 31: repeat 56 more x; (2 CH 3 sp; 114 CH 4 sp.; 114 SC; 2 HDC V)
Round 32: repeat 57 more x; (2 CH 3 sp; 116 CH 4 sp.; 116 SC; 2 HDC V)
Round 33: repeat 58 more x; (2 CH 3 sp; 118 CH 4 sp.; 118 SC; 2 HDC V)
Round 34: repeat 59 more x; (2 CH 3 sp; 120 CH 4 sp.; 120 SC; 2 HDC V)
Round 35: repeat 60 more x; (2 CH 3 sp; 122 CH 4 sp.; 122 SC; 2 HDC V)
Round 36: repeat 61 more x; (2 CH 3 sp; 124 CH 4 sp.; 124 SC; 2 HDC V)
Round 37: repeat 62 more x; (2 CH 3 sp; 126 CH 4 sp.; 126 SC; 2 HDC V)
Round 38: repeat 63 more x; (2 CH 3 sp; 128 CH 4 sp.; 128 SC; 2 HDC V)
Round 39: repeat 64 more x; (2 CH 3 sp; 130 CH 4 sp.; 130 SC; 2 HDC V)
Round 40: repeat 65 more x; (2 CH 3 sp; 132 CH 4 sp.; 132 SC; 2 HDC V)
Round 41: repeat 66 more x; (2 CH 3 sp; 134 CH 4 sp.; 134 SC; 2 HDC V)
Round 42: repeat 67 more x; (2 CH 3 sp; 136 CH 4 sp.; 136 SC; 2 HDC V)
Round 43: repeat 68 more x; (2 CH 3 sp; 138 CH 4 sp.; 138 SC; 2 HDC V)
Round 44: repeat 69 more x; (2 CH 3 sp; 140 CH 4 sp.; 140 SC; 2 HDC V)
NOTE: If you would like to lengthen your poncho, add 3 rounds of CH 4 + 2 CH 3 spaces, making sure the math is correct, adding one repeat for every 3 rounds you add on.
If you would like to shorten your poncho, subtract 3 rounds of CH 4 + 2 CH 3 spaces, making sure the math is correct, subtracting one increase for every three rounds you subtract.
There is more information about how to shorten and lengthen in the PDF file that you will find in my Ravelry Store. It also has a chart to help explain the shortening and lengthening process.
Edge Rounds follow with a chart below
Round 45: Right Side: Beg. DC V; CH 4, SC in ch 4 sp., CH 4, SC in nxt st ch 4 sp.; * 5 DC Shell in nxt ch 4 sp., CH 1, SC in nxt ch 4 sp., CH 4, SC in nxt ch 4 sp., CH 1;* repeat 21 more x; 5 DC Shell in nxt ch 4 sp., SC in nxt ch 4 sp, CH 4, SC in last CH 3 sp., CH 3; DC V;
Left Side: CH 4, SC in ch 4 sp., CH 4, SC in nxt st ch 4 sp.; * 5 DC Shell in nxt ch 4 sp., CH 1, SC in nxt ch 4 sp., CH 4, SC in nxt ch 4 sp., CH 1;* repeat 21 more x; 5 DC Shell in nxt ch 4 sp., SC in nxt ch 4 sp, CH 4, SC in last CH 3 sp., CH 3; join w/SLP ST in 3rd ch
(44 – 5 DC Shells, 96 SC; 2 DC V)
Shell with ears
Round 46: Right Side: Beg. DC V; CH 2, SC in ch 4 sp.; CH 3, SC in ch 4 sp.;
*Skp sc, DC in nxt dc (2x); CH 3, SC in nxt st, CH 3, DC in nxt dc (2x); Skp sc, SC in ch 4 Space; * repeat 22 more x; CH 3, SC in ch 3 sp; CH 2; DC V;
Left Side: CH 2, SC in ch 4 sp.; CH 3, SC in ch 4 sp.;*Skp sc, DC in nxt dc (2x); CH 3, SC in nxt st,
CH 3, DC in nxt dc (2x); Skp sc, SC in ch 4 Space; * repeat 22 more x; CH 3, SC in ch 3 sp; CH 2; join w/SLP ST in 3rd ch (44 Shells w/ears; 94 sc; 2 DC V)
Round 47: RS: Beg. DC V; CH 2, SC in ch 2 sp.; CH 3; SC in nxt ch 3 sp.; 5 DC Shell in sc of prev. round; *SC in ch 3 sp.; CH 3, SC in nxt ch 3 space; 5 DC Shell in nxt sc;* repeat 22 more x;, SC in nxt ch 3 sp.; CH 3, SC in nxt ch 2 sp.; CH 2; DC V;
LS: CH 2, SC in ch 2 sp.; CH 3; SC in nxt ch 3 sp.; 5 DC Shell in sc of prev. round; *SC in ch 3 sp.; CH 3, SC in nxt ch 3 space; 5 DC Shell in nxt sc;* repeat 22 more x;, SC in nxt ch 3 sp.; CH 3, SC in nxt ch 2 sp.; CH 2; join w/SLP ST in 3rd ch.
(46 – 5 DC shells; 100a SC; 2 DC V
Round 48-49: Repeat Rounds 46 & 47 consecutively. End Off, weave in all ends.
Note 1. You will be executing your stitches in CH 3 spaces, instead of CH 4 spaces.
Note 2. Add one more repeat for each time you there is a repeat of the last two edging rounds.
Note: 3. You can add length to the poncho here, just repeat Rounds 48 & 49 consecutively adding one more repeat, until you reach the length you desire.
Block your poncho using your favorite method. I found the steam method to be easy. There are many you tube videos out there showing you how to use a steam iron. Jayda InStitches has video that is my favorite method. CLICK HERE for the video that shows you how.
If you want to close in that neckline area, you will find the tutorial RIGHT HERE.
Pin the photo below to your favorite crochet boards and you will never lose this free pattern.
I hope you will come to my Facebook Group. If you have questions your can post them there, or if you want to share your crochet and craft projects our group is a great place to do that. It is always a fun and kind group to be a part of.
Krissy’s Over The Mountain Crochet and Crafts
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This pattern, and all content is protected by copyright Krissys Over The Mountain Crochet©2019. You may NOT use my photos to sell your product or promote your website.
Hey there! Let me know what you think of the Mesh Over Brook Poncho! Just leave me a comment below!
Juliana Carney says
Oh I LOVE this Mesh Poncho! Thank you for sharing. A Must have for Spring / Fall like weather and so much color possibilities with variegated yarns.
Kris says
Thank you so much Juliana!
Jacqueline Wallace says
What is the gauge for the poncho?
Kris says
Hi there, My apologies for leaving that out of the pattern. I have added that into the post now. 🙂
Gauge: 4” across = 5 CH 4 sp’s; 4” Vertical = 6 rounds CH 4 sp’s
Kris says
Thank you so much for the mention and for trying out the pattern. The photos you took are gorgeous! Love the beret! You make a great model. Sorry to hear about your surgery. I pray your recovery is painless and swift. <3 Kris